Looking for a unique, quality napa leather, cotton twill or faux leather case for your Apple iPad or iPhone, well look no further. NueVue offer a self cleaning, beautifully handcrafted case, that cleans and protects your screen, killing the bacteria on your device too. Check out these two amazing reviews from tech bloggers who are respected in the technology community, which shows you the quality of our beautiful cases. http://www.letstalk-tech.com/nuevue-leather-sleeve-wipes-fingerprints-off-iphone-7-7s-plus/...
You can't see it, but can you forget it's there. Since washing your hands this morning, how many dirty things have you touched and then touched your iPhone or iPad and then touched your face - door handles, hand rails, menus, ATMs, public transport etc. etc ...more . Research shows that on average you touch your face more than 2,00 times a day ...more Read more ..... So do...
Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it wont cause you any harm. In fact it's not just when you're out and about, working, travelling, socializing and having fun that you can pick up bacteria and pass it onto your smartphone and your loved ones. Seriously if you have to visit the hospital, we very aware. Read more.... Just do yourself and your family a favor, and keep your...